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CamperTips: The Klapband!

Danger for yourself and other road users

Unfortunately it sometimes happens: a blowout tire with the camper. In most cases this results in an unpleasant situation at most. You change the tire and continue your journey with the camper. In some cases, however, it sometimes happens that the damage is greater, or that the occupants are even injured. In most cases you can prevent this yourself, about this message.

Thinking error camper owners

The main cause of getting a blowout tire is outdated tires. The older the tires, the higher the chance of damage. That is why it is important that tires older than 6 years are replaced, according to BOVAG and ANWB. At we ensure that you receive the camper in good condition for your camper journey. Safety plays an important role in this.
Most camper owners do not use the camper all year round. You expect the tires to show no wear. However, this is true. The wear continues unabated. Make sure you are aware of the number of years of use of your tires, and don't forget your spare tire!

Camper brokerage!

Is your camper one of those many campers that is in storage almost all year round? That is the camper mediation of possibly something for you. Your camper can be used more efficiently if rental mediation is used. This allows you to earn back the fixed costs. Here find more information about RV brokerage.